Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"Mommy...do you want to do your exercises?" No, kid! Leave me alone!

So, Anna is now my personal trainer. The kid LOVES to workout with me. She thinks the jumping jacks are fun. The lunges are fun. The pushups are fun. Clearly, she's insane. But I'm glad to have a workout buddy and a little bit of encouragement. I think it's good that she sees me working out too. I mean...maybe she'll take something away from all of this, and I'll inspire her to lead a healthier life than I've lead. I think so much of how we live our adult lives is how we saw our parents live theirs. So, I've found yet another reason to start being a little healthier. And she has no idea that I totally blame her and Alex for what's happened to my body. Don't get me wrong, their sweet smiles can brighten any day, but then I look at how my belly button is nowhere close to where God originally placed it...and I get a little peeved. So, now she's trying to whip me back into shape. How's that for irony?! Of course I jest. (Sort of...)

Keri's workout was a killer! I'm already looking forward to (dreading) doing it again. And this just in...doing a plank with your kids around turns into a fun game for them. They treat you like some sort of suspension bridge and crawl back and forth underneath you. And you are stuck there trying not to collapse on top of them, crushing them with all of your weight. So, yet another way kids change your life. They force you into planks WAY longer than you could have ever held without them. That's a plus!

The water thing seems to be doing it's job too. Of course, I go to the bathroom like a pregnant lady (about once every 15 seconds), but I did notice that my "skinny" jeans fit a little better this morning than they ever have before. And I like to think perhaps it's because I've been drinking so much water lately. If water helps shave off a little of the old muffin top, then pass me another glass...and get out of my way when I'm headed to the potty!

100 pushups update: that is going well, but I have to say, each time I complete a day and it tells me how many I'm going to do the next day, I get a little scared!! Needless to say...the rest breaks they give you in between groups of pushups are super nice. I find it hard to believe that I'll ever be able to do 100 pushups in a row without stopping, but I'm actually enjoying the challenge of building up to it!

So, that's it for now. Sorry for not posting in a few days. As I suspected...this blogging thing is tough! It's hard to find the time to sit down and collect my thoughts and put them in some sort of order. Clearly by this post, I still haven't mastered that second part at all.

Happy planking, everyone!

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