Friday, November 4, 2011

A body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest can potentially gain 3 pounds in 3 months...

...or something like that.

Thursdays are really long days for me. Anna has dance class on those nights, and last night we didn't get home until about 7:30. I came in, inhaled my dinner and then helped get the kids ready for bed. Afterwards, I was too darn tired to do anything. So...failure #1: I didn't work out yesterday. Hey, I said I would be honest! So, I'm going to have to make that up this weekend, and it seems that my friend, Keri, has just the solution. Keri is a personal trainer at Hoover Fitness (check her out if you are looking for an awesome trainer), and she sent me a workout last night that I think may very well kill me. I'll share her devilish plan with you:

20 jumping jacks

10 push ups

Walking lunges

Repeat 3 times

Jump rope 1 minute

10 power jacks (slow squat jumps)

3 sets of stairs

Wall sit for 30 seconds

10 squat w/ alternating forward kicks when coming up out if the squat

Repeat all this 3 times

Upright row for 15

Overhead triceps-15

Repeat 3 times

Shoulder press-15

Bicep curl-15

Repeat 3 times

Front raises-15

Lateral raises-15

Repeat 3 times

20/20/20 plank center, right, left (each 20 seconds change positions) for 2 minutes total

25 alternating oblique crunches (normal crunch reaching elbow to opposite knee then switching sides)

30 sec. V-sit rope climb (lean back, scoop belly, feet up and reaching up like climbing rope)

15 double crunch

20/20/20 plank again

My favorite part of the email was when she said "Good luck and have fun. This might take longer than 30 minutes." Oh, Keri, Keri, Keri...

But I'm gonna do it. This will be my Saturday workout. Someone may have to fashion some sort of rope and pulley system to lift my arms and body so I can cheer during the Bama game. Roll Tide!

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