Sunday, August 18, 2013

7-14 New recipes

Well, it's been quite a while since I've written here.  I know everyone is waiting on pins and needles to know what I've been up to.  It has been a crazy awesome summer!  I've had lots of exciting things going on with work and life.  And some of those adventures will be their own posts, but just so you know...I haven't completely abandoned my list of 52 new things.  I've simply decided that I just can't make individual posts for every new recipe I make.  That's not very interesting, and I'm just not funny enough to MAKE it interesting.  ;)  So, here are a few of the ones I've tried lately.  All from Pinterest.  Yes, it actually DOES serve a purpose in life!  Many are in keeping with my low/no sugar diet that I'm working to keep up with.  I'm not sure how you all will feel about them, but I thought they were really great!

7) Roasted Shrimp & Broccoli.  This is the ultimate staple for me.  Sometimes I make just the vegetables as a side dish, and sometimes I add the shrimp for a total meal.  Either way...It's GREAT.  Recipe here.
8)  Roasted Okra.  This makes an EXCELLENT side dish for anything you are cooking.  Recipe here.

9)  Baked Chicken Fajitas.  I made these for dinner with shrimp instead.  (Shrimp was on sale.  Chicken was not.  You see what I did there.)  But I did use only 1 tsp of cumin.  I highly recommend that choice.  Recipe here.

10)  Smothered Chicken.  This was really good, but it was a little rich.  I'm not used to cooking with alot of cream cheese for dinner stuff (even though this diet that I'm on highly recommends it.  Yes, I know...) Recipe here.

11)  Breakfast Ham Cup.  These are a delightful, little treat for breakfast if you are doing a no sugar diet or even if you aren't.  Recipe here.

13) Herbed Chicken Cutlets with Panko and Parmesan.  OK--So, the Panko bread crumbs make this not officially on my diet, but hey...I'm not always officially on my diet.  But I did like this one.  So many times they put chicken cutlets on sale, and I just never know what to do with the darn things.  This quick and easy recipe is a good solution.  And if you are into eating potatoes and such...(aaaaah potatoes), then add some of those glorious mashed ones and a green veggie, and this is a good weeknight favorite.  Recipe here.

14) Skinny Broccoli and Cheese Casseroles.  Again...the bread crumbs make this not officially "low sugar", but they make a good side dish.  And let's face it...we cooking moms are always looking for those.  Recipe here.

I hope you all will try out at least SOME of these.  It's never easy adopting a new way of eating, and let's face it...I'm not as dedicated as I should be.  But what is life if not full of a few delicious indulgences?

Happy cooking!