100 Pushups. THAT is the name of the app. Please download it. It is so worth it.
When I started this app, it said "do as many good-form pushups as you can". I could only do three. (And to clarify...yes, I am doing REAL pushups. Not the wimpy, girlie kind.) Week one went by with no problem as did week two. It was week three that killed me. At that point, I was up to 50 pushups. Hold on...let me back up...
This app is set up to break down the total number of pushups into smaller reps with break periods in between. For instance, "do as many good-form pushups as you can" meant "how many can you do in a row before you collapse?" THREE. That was all I could do. So, the app took that and created a program around it. On my first day I did 12 pushups, but it was broken down: 2 pushups and take a 30-second break. Then I did 3 followed by a 30-second break. Then 2 and a 30-second break. (Do you see where I'm going with this?) So, my reps were 2, 3, 2, 2, 3 for a total of 12 pushups. It gradually increased from there. And the rest periods changed too. Sometimes they were longer...sometimes they were shorter. I don't know why. That's just what the app did, so I followed it. So, to say that I did 100 pushups doesn't mean I did 100 without stopping. (What am I? A soldier??) I had 60-second breaks between my reps. (Or is it "sets?" Oh, heck...I don't know.) Regardless, that is how it is set up.
But it was week three that got me. The day I had to do 50 was bad. And I had to do half in that wimpy, girlie style. Well, I decided that wasn't good enough. I couldn't very well go on if I couldn't do those 50. So, I stayed on that week for another week (plus one more day). Then, I thought I was psyching myself out and just said "WHATEVER" and moved on. Well, it turned out that I was more than ready. 55 was a breeze. 63 was a breeze. 72 was where it got tough again. But by that point, I decided that even if I had to break up my reps into even SMALLER reps, then I would. I just had to finish this app. It was killing me mentally. And that's what I did. 80, 86, 100 was how the next three days went. And it was over. And I was relieved.
So, I started at 3 in a row. 18 is now my personal best (though I'm not consistent.) And that is one thing I learned over the course of this app. I'm not always going to be consistent. I'm not always going to feel strong. I'm not always going to feel weak. It's truly a day-to-day thing.
The app wants me to keep going. My next one is 120, and it wants me to continue until I reach 170. *excuse me a second* BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! WHOOOOO!!!! Sorry.
I think I'm going to hang out at 100 for a little while if you don't mind.